
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New blog home

I'm moving my blog to a new home on my domain at That is all.

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Day 5 -January WPF Residency

I had my writing workshopped yesterday morning. It was my first attempt at writing straight up horror. I usually write Fantasy with a lot of horrific elements in it. But the piece I submitted for residency was the final paper from the Readings in the Genre class on Psychos. I got a lot of great feedback on how to pull the reader into the psychosis of the character and to heighten the fear of discovery for the character.
The module in the afternoon was Clues and Red Herrings in Mystery with the great Victoria Thompson. We discussed the types of mystery novels and then the rules of writing mystery. We then applied it as a class by creating a mystery setting. I was pestering Victoria with questions because I have a mystery idea but I'm stuck on some parts of the story.
In the evening, after wonderful thesis presentations by the graduating class, the SciFi and Fantasy writers went to Badges Bar & Grill for a dinner and short fiction reading competition. I'm not normally a social person, but it was good to get out of my comfort zone and mingle with classmates and colleagues outside of class.
But sleep deprivation is catching up on me. Residency is fun but exhausting.

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Location:Greensburg, PA

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 4- January WPF Residency

What a day! Yep, it was a drink from a fire hose day. It started with the teaching sessions by the students in the fifth residency. The first was about combat. Wow, so cool. The student was in the army for 10 years and then the FBI and SWAT. He explained the psychological and physiological effects combat has on a person. It was so informative. Since my own writing has lots of conflict and combat in it, I took lots of notes. The other two students talked about overcoming writer's block (who doesn't need that help) and designing character flaws. Again, very informative.
After lunch, I had the module on Recent trends in SciFi/Fantasy/Horror. Three hours later we got out with a stack of handouts listing markets and sites for keeping up with what is getting published. So. Much. Information.
I didn't eat dinner and sacked out on a chair for a quick nap before heading over to the campus library for the mentor meetings. Met with Mr. Johnson to discuss my novel. Just what I needed to charge up again to work on the novel. I really should go down to the hotel lobby to be around everyone but I'm burned out and want to sleep.

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Location:Greensburg, PA

Passion - Day 3 experiences at WPF residency

There is something that stands about above anything else in this program. Passion.

Without fail, every single instructor I've had for this program is filled with passion. Passion for writing, teaching, and working with us. That last part is one that means the most to me as a student. They're engaged in their work with us. Throughout the modules yesterday and into the social last night, I was so overcome with awe at their passion and their honesty in working with us. I rarely felt that with my undergrad program. My last semester in my undergrad was one of the best because I had the same professor for two classes and she was filled with that same love and passion not only for the subject but for us. It makes the learning process richer when both parties love what they do and really want to learn.
Last night, at the social, I had the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people and ask any question that came to mind. I sat with one instructor, Anne Harris, and felt so comfortable with asking anything that came to mind regarding the industry or techniques. I'm humbled with the openness on her part and the personal attention she paid to each of us as we sought to learn from her.
It may sound sappy, but I'm happy that I've found my place here in this program. It has been a long time since I was last excited about school. We only spend a week in January and June together in person. Yet, the bound is strong because we're all so eager to make the most of this time we have together.
The module I took yesterday was on the business of writing. While the "facts" of the industry weren't anything new to me, it was the personal experiences of the instructor where I learned the most. Most importantly, a wonderful resource to go to for advice.
Day 4 brings many adventures. Most of the students will be workshopping writing. I get the opportunity to attend the teaching modules. Part of the program is learning how to teach writing. So the older students have spent the last semester preparing their topics for this residency. The module I have this afternoon is Recent Trends in SciFi/Fantasy/Horror. Then, the moment we've all been waiting for, mentor meetings tonight. I'll be meeting with the great Scott A Johnson to discuss what I've done so far on my thesis and setting goals for the next semester.

Enjoy your day! I know I will.

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Reflections on Opening Reception

At the opening reception, the director of the program announces the theme of the residency. Friday night he gave us seven questions to think about for the week. I had trouble answering a few of them.

1- Would you rather be an author or a writer?
2- Would you rather be well known or well respected?
3- Do you prefer being described as an artist or a professional?
4- Would you rather write 1 good book or 10 not so great books?
5- Do you believe more in art or craft?
6- When you read do you skim or read every word?
7- Do you want your audience to skim or read every word?

The responses from others were interesting and we found that most of these questions were actually kind of hard to answer. However, one of the professors gave interesting insight on question 1. We're all writers because that is an action. But author is a title. Author is the root word for authority. Interesting to see the weight behind that word instead of writer. Most of us seem to have said we'd rather be well respected. But in many ways, well respected would also mean you'd have a degree of being well known in certain circles. But being well known does not always mean that you're going to be respected.
I said that I'd rather be described as professional for a few reasons. First because we'll have to have a professional presence when at conferences and book signings. We'll have to take criticism with a grain of salt. Second, because I want writing to be more than just a hobby. That's why I'd rather be described as professional over artist.
Would I rather have one good book or ten not so great books? I don't think most of us really answered that. Although it felt like people were leaning to ten because it is a business after all and we'll need income.
We believe that you can have art without craft but the fact that we are all in this program shows we want more than just art and want to perfect the craft so we can get published.
I personally read every word. Or nearly every word. There are times when I read quickly and probably skip over words but that is when the action really speeds up.
I was going to say that I'd want my audience to read every word. But a friend of mine had a great point. "I don't care what they do as long as they've bought the book." I have a stack of books that I have bought and still haven't read yet. From the business side of writing I can't be too concerned with what they do after they buy my book just so long as they buy it. But the writer side of me would say that it doesn't matter if they are skimming or reading every word so long as they are enjoying their time.

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Location:Greensburg, PA

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 3 January WPF residency - First day of classes

It is so good to see these people again. We haven't seen each other in person since June. But in many ways it is like we've never left. All that is really different is the temperature outside. At the beginning of each residency we have an opening reception the night before classes in the library. It's a great time to mingle and be around our wonderful staff.
This morning we will split into groups to discuss the assigned reading and then our first module. I'll be taking the Business of Writing module. The other courses I'm signed up for over the next few days are Current trends in SciFi, Fantasy, and Horror, Red Herrings in fiction, and World Building with my mentor Scott A Johnson. Most of the nights feature thesis presentations from the graduating class and then genre parties afterwards. Busy week.

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Location:Greensburg, PA

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 2 January WPF residency

This is why I'm glad that in the effort to save some money I fly out the day before the opening night. I did not sleep well at all last night. But at least I have some time today to get adjusted to the time difference and nap to be ready for the week. I just can't afford to have sleepless nights for the rest of this week.

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Location:Greensburg, PA

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 2013 WPF residency

I can't even count anymore how many times I've been on a plane. Some people will spend their entire life never knowing the thrill and turbulence of soaring the sky in a pressurized metal tube. A wise man reminded me recently to just enjoy the experience of flying. It's something we, as the human race, have only be doing for a short amount of time. We take for granted the simple things we have in life and should spend more time not only reflecting upon them but thanking whatever powers you believe in for your experiences, safety, and security. Yes, I'm a bit reflective. Not so much because it is a new year so much as I'm already missing my family. I'm going to be missing some important events for my family. But I knew that pursuing my passion doesn't come without sacrifice.

This will be my third residency of six in the Seton Hill Writing Popular Fiction program. One year ago, I was on my way to the first residency and unable to fully anticipate what the rest of the week would bring. Now, I'm beginning to feel like one of the old timers and excited to feed off the excitement of my classmates and especially from those just starting.
Seton Hill is such a beautiful campus. It's small compared to my undergrad but it has such a wonderful feeling. I know a lot of that is because of how excited I am about this program. I had really struggled with my undergrad because it felt like more of a chore or something large and ominous in the way of rising above minimum wage and a better pay grade. And in many ways, that is what an undergraduate degree is for. Just the necessary stepping stone to bigger and brighter prospects.

I'd like to blog about my trip because it's a form of exercising my writing muscles and because I've never been good with keeping a journal. I know there are few that really read this (cyberstalker included) but maybe some day I will look back on past posts and remember something. I doubt that my posts will inspire others. I don't blog often or deep enough for that. But I may be able to re-inspire myself on those days when I'm doubting myself.

I had someone accuse me recently of being a "wannabe author." What does that even mean? And how are they defining author? I know I don't need to take them seriously because they were just trying to hurt and defame me. I've honestly tried to figure out what a "wannabe author" really is. And the best I can come up with is something who dreams of writing but never, ever, takes the time to sit down to write. With modern copyright laws, even having a blog to write down your experiences is a form of publishing. But even if you don't put your words out there for the world to see, does that make you any less of an author? No, it doesn't. Are you still thinking about writing? Do you take the time to put down your thoughts and dreams into written form? Then yes, you are an author! Of course, this guy was probably trying to insult by meaning "published author." Well, good thing I've had a published novel for a few years now. Oh, and like I said, having a blog with your own original content is being published and you hold the copyright. Oh, maybe he meant "Wannabe New York Times Bestselling author." And how is that an insult? That is exactly what I am and what I'm working for. It's a goal. An aspiration. Thank you for recognizing that.

Writing occupies much of my time and thought. And in some cases money when you factor in tuition and flight costs to school. I started this post on the plane but then had to put it away for landing. Now, sitting in a Chili's Too, it's my writer mind that notices that the fork is metal but the knife is plastic. And I immediately create scenarios that have led to that decision and what a character would have to do to defend themselves from attack when they have a metal fork and a plastic knife. It's just how my mind works. Or how I've trained my mind. I often worry about the details of life and what will I do if my tire blows out now, or now? Or what if the gentlemen in the next table over suddenly has a heart attack? I've spent years allowing the "what if's" occupy my mind and send me into a panic attack. But now, though I still have to remind myself to do it, I turn it into a game of what would "INSERT CHARACTER" do if this happened to them? And I don't feel so panicked because I'm not only thinking about what they'd do but also writing the story in my head and debating word choice.

I love writing. I love that I'm going to school again and have the support of my family to pursue this. I love knowing that I'm going to spend a week with like minded individuals who spend hours daydreaming their stories like I do. I'm also very excited that I was assigned the mentor of my choice. Not that I didn't learn a lot from my last mentor. But I'm very excited to work with Mr. Scott A Johnson. I first met the man last year at residency in a class on developing characters. I was so impressed with the passion and attention he put into his characters that I then read three of his novels and his collection of short stories. Once I found out that I'd have the opportunity to request a mentor for the rest of the program I immediately requested him. I'm excited for his attention and determination to rip apart my thesis and to learn everything I can from him. The man is a titan. He has so much on his plate but continues to give so much back to others. It will truly be an honor to work with him.

I still have one more flight and all of tomorrow to wait until the opening reception of this residency. Pursue what you love. It will be worth the sacrifice.

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Location:Flying over Alabama